

Partner Visa changes Commences Soon

Partner Visa changes: When will the changes commence? This has been the question since the Family Violence Bill was passed in 2018. We discussed in an earlier post regarding how the changes would affect those who intends to apply for an onshore partner visa.  The Australian Government announced that reforms were going to be implemented to strengthen the integration outcomes

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Queensland Skilled Migration Program Opens (2021-22)

The Queensland Skilled Migration Program is currently open for those within Australia.  This is welcomed news for those interested in being sponsored by the State for various skilled visas, including the Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491). The Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa is a permanent visa, while the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)

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Travel exemptions open for Parents

It has been announced by the Minister for Home Affairs that the travel exemption policy will be open to parents of Australian citizens and Permanent Residents from 1st November 2021.   From 1st November 2021, parents of Australian citizens and PR can apply for a travel exemption as an “immediate family number”, this includes various parental relationships including biological, adoptive,

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New occupations included for South Australia’s state nominated visa’s (Subclass 190 and 491)

New occupations included for South Australia’s state skilled nominated visa’s ( Subclass 190 and 491) South Australia will be adding 70 occupations to the nomination list for applicants living outside of Australia.  The inclusion of the new occupations will begin on Tuesday, 28 September 2021. This is welcomed news for potential visa applicants offshore due to COVID or those who

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Pearson PTE Academic test shortens and launches online version

Pearson announced the welcome news for visa applicants on 7 September 2021, confirming that the PTE academic test has been shortened from three hours to two hours instead. They further confirmed that online remote testing will be an option. The shorter test will follow the same format and scoring system as the current PTE Academic test center exam. Pearson will

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ACT Canberra Announces Updated Critical Occupation List

Skilled Migration Canberra has confirmed that 16 new occupations will be added to the Critical Occupation List. This list will be publicly available noon on 3/09/2021. This welcomed news allows additional applicants in listed occupations to be nominated by the state for Australian visas. Which occupations will be added to the critical occupation list? 16 occupation groups are to be

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South Australia MY2022 Nomination Policy

South Australia State Nomination Requirements SA has announced it’s nomination requirements. Application for nomination will start from 8am, Tuesday 20th July 2021.   The pathways South Australia migration program is focused to provide migration pathways for below major groups of candidates: Talent and Innovators Program Currently working in South Australia (including long-term residents in SA) International Graduate of South Australia

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2022 Migration Year – ACT Nomination Guidelines

Skills Canberra has sent out updates regarding its migration policies for the new migration year. It is confirmed that the ACT nomination guidelines will be published on Monday 5th July 2021.   In the 2020-21 Migration year, ACT was provided with 1400 allocation of nomination places. The allocations were met by mid-June 2021 with an average of 200 approvals per

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2022 Migration Year – Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program

New opportunities announced under Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program for the 2022 Migration Year.   The Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program has announced encouraging news for 2021-22. The 2021-22 Victorian skilled visa nomination program (subclass 190 and 491) will open on 7 July 2021. The Department of Home Affairs has provided Victoria with 3,500 subclass 190 places and 500 subclass 491 places.

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New changes to the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) and Student Visa (subclass 500)

Immigrants who work in the Hospitality and Tourism sector in Australia now have further visa options to remain for up to 12 months. The announcement released by Minister Hawke confirmed that Hospitality and Tourism would include the sector in the Temporary Activity visa 408 COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa to allow for Australia’s Covid-19 economic recovery.   What is a Temporary

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