

New incentives to live, work or study in Australian regional areas

  In an effort to increase the population in Australian regional areas, the government has proposed introducing new skilled regional visas as well as rewarding those who wish to study within regional areas. The new skilled regional provisional visas will be for skilled migrants, and dependent family members, who want to live and work in Australia. The government’s proposed national

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Federal Budget 2019/2020: How visa holders may be affected

The Australian pre-election Federal budget has been announced, revealing the potential changes to occur in relation to the Australian migration program on 1 July 2019 should this government be re-elected. A potential change that could impact most applicants is the proposed fee increase for visa applications proposed for the beginning on 1 July 2019. This is just one of the

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Strengthening the Character Test for Non-citizens

The requirement that non-citizens within Australia are law-abiding has been strengthened with a proposal to place additional powers on the enforcement of cancellations and refusals under the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2018. What does this mean? Under the proposed amendment non-citizens of Australia who are considered to be violent and are found to inflict long-lasting trauma on

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New Skilled Occupation List Announced

New legislative instruments came into affect on 11th March 2019 to allow for a number of changes to the MLSOL, STSOL and ROL in Australia. These  changes might allow you and your family to migrate to Australia. There are now even more avenues available in order to achieve your visa goals with a number of new occupations added to the Medium

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Newly Announced Temporary Long Stay Parent Subclass 870 Visa

Temporary Long Stay Parent Visa Further announcements have been made for the long anticipated Temporary Long Stay Parent visa. Minister Coleman has announced on 1st March that the new five year sponsored parent visa, the Subclass 870 Parent (Temporary) Visa, will be open for application on 17 April 2019. From the Department’s website, which provides further information on the proposed

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SA announces regional school fee waivers for SC 457/482 holders

We have received the following news from MIA today. The South Australian Minister for Education, the Hon John Garner MP, has just announced that the school contribution fee for dependents of Subclasses 457 and 482 visa holders, attending government schools in regional areas, are to be waived to encourage nor foreign workers to settle or work in regional South Australia.

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Western Australia – State Nomination Program Clarification

The MIA has received the following information from WA Immigration: It appears to us that emphasis has been put on Australian work experience and qualifications. No changes have been made to the criteria, however, Migration WA has made an amendment to the invitation process applicable to the State nomination Graduate stream. The priority for work experience during the invitation ranking

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Why You should Lodge your Onshore Partner Visa ASAP

Onshore partner visa applicants have always enjoyed the rights similar to those who have already been granted the visa, ie. Medicare, the right to remain in Australia; to work; to ability travel and return to Australia etc. This is all dependent on the applicant being able to lodge a valid application whilst in Australia.   The Bill The Family Violence

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Have you received a notification for Refusal or Cancellation?

I’ve heard many clients confessing that one of the scariest moments of their lives was finding out their visa or their employer’s nomination was refused/cancelled. The email titled ‘decision to refuse’ and ‘notice of intention to cancel’ have surly caused nightmares to many. We always advise our clients, the best way to approach any refusal decision or cancellation notifications from

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Why You Need A Registered Migration Agent?

Sure, you can apply for a visa without the help of a registered Australian immigration consultant, however doing so could result in a lot of frustration and not much success. Apart from the mountain of paperwork and processes required, even the slightest mistake on a form could doom your application to the waiting pile. That’s where we come in. Infinite

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