

South Australia State Nomination Now Open

South Australia has opened its nomination under the 2020/21 Migration Year for Skilled State nominated visas and Business innovation and investment program.   Applicants are asked to nominate an occupation on the Skilled Migration Occupation List. This appears to broaden the occupations available for nomination. However preferred requirements seem to suggest that only an application that falls within the following

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Relaxed Income Requirement for 189 New Zealand Stream

Relaxed income requirement for the New Zealand Stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa has been announced. The Government has eased the income eligibility requirement for the New Zealand stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa. Special Category (subclass 444) visa holders who have a taxable income at or above the Temporary Skilled Migrant Income Threshold for at

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Partner Visa 2020-21 English Language Requirement Announced

The department of Home Affairs has announced proposed changes to include an additional requirement on the partner visas that English language obligation to be implemented for both the applicant and sponsor. This requirement is estimated to begin toward the end of 2021 to obtain a permanent partner visa. We encourage those who were planning on proceeding with a partner visa

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BSMQ Queensland State Nomination Program Now Open

BSMQ Queensland State Nomination Program The Queensland nomination program is now open and will close on Monday 5 October 2020. There is only a limited amount of time to submit your application, contact the Infinite Migration team to discuss your eligibility and assist you in submitting your expression of interest. There is a restricted number of nominations available which means

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COVID-19 visa concessions for Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa

COVID-19 visa concessions for Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa   Which concessions apply to the Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa? It has recently been announced that concessions are now available for Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa holders who have been impacted by the COVID-19 border closures. The  Migration Regulations 1994 has been amended to help students who have been unable

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COVID-19 visa concessions announced

COVID-19 visa Concessions Announced It has recently been announced that concessions are now available for certain visa holders who have been impacted by the COVID-19 border closures, business restrictions or the economic downturn. The concession period began on 1 February 2020 and will continue until a date to be specified by the department of Home affairs. The concessions will only

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Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List

Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List The Australian Government has now identified 17 occupations that are currently required to support Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19 based on expert advice from the National Skills Commission and consultation with Commonwealth departments. The list is referred to as the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).   Which Occupations (ANZSCO code) are on the PMSOL?

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Strengthened labour market testing requirements

Strengthened Labour Market Testing Requirements Current labour market testing (LMT) requirements have been enhanced to ensure that Australian workers are prioritised for job opportunities in Australia. As a result of the amendment, businesses that are considering employing overseas skilled workers on a Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa, Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa, or Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional)) visa,

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Victoria State Nomination Opening Soon

Victoria will be opening 2020-21 its skilled visa nomination program for 190 and 491 visa on Tuesday 8th September 2020.   There will only be limited number of nomination places available until Federal Budget is delivered on 6th October.   Contact us to assess your eligibility.      Who will be Eligible   Only applicants who demonstrate they are working

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Skilled & Business Migration Program Updates 2020/21: Victoria and South Australia

Skilled & Business Migration Program Updates: Victoria and South Australia Announcements have been made that the Government of South Australia and Victoria will have new quotas and allocations for 2020/21. While there is a limited amount of nominations available the South Australian and Victorian government’s aim is to support the economic and public health recovery of their states.  We would

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