Queensland Government has announced the removal of a number of skilled occupations from its list under the Sponsored Skilled 190 and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) subclass 491 visa
Be proactive and talk to a professional to arrive at a more solid plan for your skilled migration.
Occupations to be removed from QSOL November 2019
•Onshore and Offshore -IT
•ICT Business Analyst ANZSCO 261111
•Systems Analyst ANZSCO 261112
•Developer Programmer ANZSCO 261312
•Software Engineer ANZSCO 261313
•Software and Applications Programmers nec ANZSCO 261399
•ICT Security Specialist ANZSCO 262112
•Computer Network and Systems Engineer ANZSCO 263111
•Analyst Programmer ANZSCO 261311
•Onshore –Accounting
•Accountant (General) ANZSCO 221111
•Management Accountant ANZSCO 221112
•Taxation Accountant ANZSCO 221113
•External Auditor ANZSCO 221213
•Internal Auditor ANZSCO 221214
•Offshore -Engineering
•Civil Engineer ANZSCO 233211
•Mechanical Engineer ANZSCO 233512
•Electrical Engineer ANZSCO 233311
•Engineering Technologist ANZSCO 233914
QSOL lists will be published on the BSMQ website when our skilled program re-opens.
Occupations to be removed from QSOL when BSMQ Skilled Program Re-opens
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