How to Resolve your Immediate Australian Visa Concerns

The Department has several measures in place to help temporary visa holders with the effects of COVID-19 crisis. It is however still the visa holder’s responsibility to ensure that a valid visa is held if you remain in Australia.


If your visa is expiring and the subsequent visa cannot be lodged for various reasons, you need to think about alternative visa options to resolve your current visa status. Depending on your edibility, some common visas that are considered include the following.


To be eligible for the grant of the visas, you need to ensure that you meet the criteria set out the Migration Regulation. Policy provisions provided by the Department amidst COVID-19 only applies to limited circumstances. Whether any changes affect your visa or visa plan can vary from case to case.


Infinite Migration Australia is on hand to assist you resolve any concerns you might have in maintaining your Australian visa status by providing complimentary visa consultations. With up to date knowledge of the legislative and policy changes, we can evaluate and formulate a visa strategy and confirm whether you are eligible for an alternative visa to enable you to remain in Australia legally.


This is the time to take action to plan ahead. Whether your visa is expiring or has expired, contact us to help you moving forward.


Contact us here to discuss your visa goals.

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