5 Steps to Plan Your Visa

As the virus upends productivity across the world, the question now is how bad things will get and what we can do.

Amid the fog, one thing seems certain: some sectors will suffer more than others. The crisis has caused hardships but also revealed very real opportunities. Many have sharpened their focus and realised obtaining Australian permanent residency or citizenship has become a priority. Others who have planed their visa pathway need to reassess and revaluate to navigate their way to achieve their visa goals.


The Infinite Migration team are here to help you plan for your future in Australia. This might be by forming an evolving visa plan that could stand the trial of uncertainties. Or it might be to address a more imminent urgent matter in the context of achieving a bigger goal. Infinite Migration endeavours to help place our clients in the best position possible after the community and the economy recovers.


Take these steps to ensure you are on top of things.


Step 1
Always know which visa you hold and when it expires.

Knowing this prompts you to take timely actions to ensure you have sufficient time to make arrangement for your next visa. This is very important during this uncertain period.


Step 2
Know your visa conditions.

Visa conditions might restrict your ability to work and/or study. Breaches of visa conditions will subject your visa to cancellation. It is important to understand this so that you won’t be breaching any conditions attached to your visa.


Step 3
Understand what visa options are available.

Knowing what visas are available and what the requirements are helps you make arrangements towards achieving the visa.

Based on your circumstances, we can help you with understanding which visa is best suited for you.


Step 4
Plan your next steps.

Forming a plan with achievable goals along the way is important. It allows you to meet various criteria for the visa with consideration to time and resource constraints.

What is more essential now under so much uncertainty is to have an evolving and adaptable plan. The Infinite Migration team has the knowledge and experience to help you with forming a workable, achievable and evolving visa plan.


Step 5
Keep informed and Re-assess regularly.

Regularly assessing your plan based on updated information ensures your goal remains achievable.

Infinite Migration Lawyers will keep you informed and work with you to ensure you are best positioned to achieve the best outcome.



Now more than ever, we’re here to help

These are difficult times. But in the face of uncertainty our team has continued to monitor visa policy changes and is ready to continue to assist in your visa journey. We encourage you to follow the steps and contact our team so you can be certain of your current position in achieving your visa goals.


Long term planning

In the long run many strive for Australian permanent residency visa and/or citizenship. You might need to take a few steps before reaching this ultimate goal. Your action and steps you take now will ensure your path is not convoluted, or even preclude you from achieve your goal.

There are many paths to take to obtain permanent residency. It is important to have the resource to make an informed decision.

We invite you to connect with us to plan your visa journey. Please email or call us for a consultation.

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Get in touch

Speak to our caring and knowledgeable staff who will be able to assist you in achieving your successful migration goal.
Fill in our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible, otherwise email us at 
[email protected]

Queensland office: +61 (7) 3010 9736

Victoria office: +61 (3) 8400 5070

New South Wales office: +61 (2) 9137 1061