On 25 November 2021 the Morrison Government announced encouraging news to further support international students and graduates visa holders.
Subclass 485 holders who were unable to return to Australia will have the opportunity to apply for a replacement visa. This will allow previous and current visa holders whose visas expired on or after 1 February 2020 to reapply for the same visa period as their original visa. This will enable subclass 485 holders to accumulate Australian work experience and possibly find a pathway to permanent residency.
The Government has further confirmed an increase in the length of stay for visa holders in Masters by Coursework and Vocation Educational and Training (VET) streams. We have already seen positive policy changes being implemented. Our team has already received a positive outcome for Subclass 485 (VET). Our client received 24 months instead of the standard 18 months. This is promising news for those wishing to apply for the subclass 485.
Further, the Department of Home Affairs will recognise offshore online studying students and temporary graduates, allowing for better flexibility in meeting the Australian study requirement.
Which concessions have the government put in place for 485 visa holders?
- If your 485 Visa expired on or after 1 February 2020 you can apply for a replacement visa to enter Australia
- Masters by Coursework and Vocation Educational and Training (VET) streams stay period will be increased. Two-year Temporary Graduate visa for VET streams and three years for Masters of course work.
- The Department of Home Affairs will now recognise offshore students studying online with an Australian institutions. There will be recognition of time spent studying offshore to qualify for a 485 Visa.
When will the Government change the stay periods?
- The changes will officially commence on 1 December 2021 however case officer have already been issuing the longer stay periods for 485 Visa application that were recielt decided
What should I do next?
Contact our team to help you evaluate your eligibility to apply for a replacement visa or Subclass 485.
Get in touch with us to plan your next Australian Visa.
Source: Joint Media Release
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